Saturday, March 22, 2008

I am is Who I am - unique individual

Second Post
Brewer’s optimal distinctiveness theory (1991) suggests that people seek affiliations with groups that enable them to maintain an ideal balance between the desires to fit in and stand out.

The picture on the right demonstrates optimal distinctiveness theory where people want to maintain a balance between similarity and difference. All of us were graduates of Nanyang Polytechnic (similarity), but the way we dress makes us different from each other (difference).

The optimal distinctiveness theory shows us that being too similar or too different causes a feeling of social discomfort just like the picture shown below. I was the girl in pink top. I was the only one that tied my hair up. I was very uncomfortable with the way I look because I was different from the rest.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Is there a need to show others my real self?

In Social Perception: what others see in us - self presentation is the deliberate control of our public behaviour to create a certain impression as cited in social psychology alive textbook. It is similar to people who portray different faces and emotions in life to hide their true feelings.

I smiled even though I had bad hair day in the morning and the bus broke down two stops away from the school and I had to walk. I remain cheerful and greeted everyone in school because I did not want my faces and emotions of grumpiness and frustration affect the people around me. I laughed because the jokes are funny and also because I do not want others to think I have no tickling bone in me.

I hid my negative emotions because I felt it does affect my friend's attitudes towards me. When I showed grumpiness on my face, they stayed away from me. I realized when I portrayed a cheerful, soft and smiling face; they talked to me and stayed close to me.

Will others change their impression on me if I continue hiding my real faces and emotions? Is there a need to show others my real self?

Is there a difference between a fake face + happy or a real face + grumpy = Impression?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First Post


Basically this blog is for my school work. Lol =) I havn't blog in ages.. I was busy with working part-time, well today is my last day of work, yippee.. I am dead tired, just need long weekend breaks.. I havn't had weekend break since don't know when.. Lol..

Well, back to work, I'm in my office.. slogging away..

Anna signing off @} -----