Leon Festinger (1957) proposed cognitive dissonance theory which describes an uncomfortable feeling we experience when our actions and beliefs are contradictory. He defined cognition as a belief or simply bits of knowledge. They can pertain to any variety of thoughts, values, facts, or emotions. For example: "I'm a girl," "I jog twice a week" & "I love to eat all sorts of chocolates."
Most cognitions have nothing to do with each other. For instance, the three cognitions mentioned above are unrelated. However I can say I love dark chocolates because I believed it have redeeming heart-healthy virtues. These cognition are "consonant," meaning that they are related and that one follows from the other.
However, sometimes we have cognition that are inconsistent with one another. For instance, I love to eat all sorts of chocolates, but I am also trying to lose weight. These two thoughts are problematic -- if I eat chocolates, then I may gain weight, and if I really want to lose weight then I cannot eat chocolates. These types of cognition are referred to as "dissonant."
There are 2 beneficial ways to attempt to overcome my cognitive dissonance. One is by ignoring or eliminating the dissonant cognition. By pretending that chocolates is not bad for me, I can have my ice cream and eat it too, so to speak. Ignoring the dissonant cognition allows me to do things we might otherwise view as wrong or inappropriate.
Another way is adding or creating new cognition. I can overwhelm the fact that I know some chocolates are bad for my weight loss except for dark chocolates. Research in fact have shown that dark chocolate have benefits such as it can improve heart health, blood pressure, reduce LDL "bad" cholesterol, and increase blood flow to the brain. It may also improve blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, reducing diabetes risk. These new cognitions allow for the lessening of dissonance, as I now have multiple cognitions that say dark chocolate can be part of my healthy lifestyle.

Of course, I will limit the portion size because even though dark chocolate contains good-for-you flavonoids, it also has not-so-good-for-you fat, sugar, and calories. Overindulging in chocolate can undo any health benefits and lead to weight gain and related health problems. In order to prevent weight gain to happen, I will exercise. =)
Chocolate's Dark Secret From religious elixir to lover's treat to health food? The new truth about chocolate.
By Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD WebMD Feature - http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/modern-love-8/chocolate-answers
By Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD WebMD Feature - http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/modern-love-8/chocolate-answers
http://www.webmd.com/video/truth-about-chocolate - Dark Chocolate: Heart-Healthy Benefits
I have definitely experienced what you are experiencing, afterall, my name is 'chocolate rain' :).
I also have a desire to lose weight. However, unfortunately for me, in addition to loving chocolate, I love eating and have a weaknesses for cakes, cookies, and anything sweet!
I do include these foods in my diet but like you, I restrict the portion sizes and I try to exercise too.
The new cognition that I add to the mix is that I know that if I severly restrict myself from these foods, I am going to binge on them anyway, which would be even more bad for my diet.
Also, I justify eating them as eating these types of foods give me a lot of pleasure, which makes my life worth living.
All the best with your weight loss!
don't worry, I always justify after eating chocolates that is - I only live once, so i will enjoy my life with chocolates to the fullest. that is always my main reason after guiltful snacking. =)
Hey girl, since when were you weight conscious ANYWAY. (HAA!) Anyway, chocolate is your life, my life, OUR life! (HAHA, that's crap.)
Anyway, the cognitive dissonance theory always happen to us. ALWAYS. Maybe, it only ALWAYS happens to me.
You see, I want to be able to get up for my morning lessons. And the night before, I stay up to watch my dvds which seem ever so attenting grabbing, I just stay engrossed.
So well, up till now, I still have a BIG problem waking up early. ;) Or rather, I just cannot.
And of course, a quite common issue of exercise. We DO know exercise is good. Exercise promotes health. Exercise is blah blah blah. And then, we all feel like our asses are stuck to the chair or the comfortable bed beckoning us.
Like they say in Chinese; probably, we probably have the intention but lack the will-power.
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